
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Manila - Saturday, February 14th - Happy Valentines Day

I've never had a "true" and/or "classic" Valentines day experience. This is not to say I don't enjoy the day or what it stands for, it's just that my relationships haven't aligned nicely in the calendar year.

So, each Valentines Day, I find myself thinking about why this day exists and it honestly makes me happy. I mean, at its root, this day is about caring. It's not about yourself, it's about your feelings towards others - be it shared or secret, vocal or silent.

Now, here in Manila, they definitely take the shared and vocal approach. They get together and make-out. It's called Lovapalooza. They literally break the world record for the most people kissing at once.

How's that for Valentines Day?

I didn't participate but you gotta love a country that 1) likes to brush their teeth and 2) wants to own the world record for people making out.

So, as my Valentines Day ends and yours just begins, I'd like to say that, if you're reading this, I probably did think of you because you'd only be reading this if I cared about you.

Happy Valentines Day.

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